I don’t know what happened. I don’t have any excuses. I missed an upload…or 52. This Month the series on my main blog (Glow Steady) was always really popular and I looked forward to posting those posts a lot.
Then I decided the series had outgrown a once a month slot and deserved a platform of its own and created this little space you’re reading now. Which lasted a whole 5 minutes. When things got busy, my main blog had to come first and This Month no longer got the attention it deserved. A few missed posts turned into breaking the habit of thinking of ideas. Then thinking about them became a list of ideas that never materialised into actual posts. Then suddenly a year had gone by without a word.
Coming Back
But, it’s time to fix that. Those of you who found this space from my main blog will know that I post a new recipe daily in May on Glow Steady. This year I set myself the target of having them all finished before May started, and I did it! Which then gave me a whole month to plan content for there and here.
There’s a plan!
So, I’m back. And I’m not saying that then going to disappear. Remember, I had a whole month to think about this. I’ve got four posts ready to go for the next month over here and at least another 6 weeks of content after that planned after that. Weekly posts will resume this Friday, starting with a comparison between the cycle tracking apps Clue and Flo.
There isn’t much to say here beyond that, but it didn’t feel right jumping back in with content like I’d never disappeared in the first place. I hope to see you on Friday, and every Friday after that…
Until Friday,